[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Looking for a Mage.

Raiding buddies welcome :slight_smile:

Looking for more.

Could use a mage.

Looking for a mage.

Join now for 9.1 fun times!

Looking for a mage and a priest

Recruiting mage, priest and shaman for Nathria and beyond!

Recruiting for 9.1!

We are recruiting DPS and hybrids for 9.1! Priest, mage, or DH preferred.

Join us for palsing around in the new content :slight_smile:

Recruiting mage

Recruiting for raiding and m+ in the evenings! Mage or DH preferred

Currently have an opening for a WW monk! MW off-spec would be even better

Looking for some cool ranged dps folks :slight_smile:

Recruiting mage, shaman, and DH

LF shaman buddy!

Recruiting for Sanctum!

LF mage, warlock, ele/resto sham, or DH

Still looking