[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Looking for cool folks for chill times :slight_smile:

Recruiting DPS or hybrids!

Still on the lookout for a mage friend!

Guild is now looking for hybrids and dps

Recruiting all roles for m+ too

Good morning! We’d love to hear from a friendly, skilled mage

It’s Friday, come enjoy the weekend with us!

Open to dungeon buddies of all classes

LF skilled, friendly mage that enjoys raiding on a light schedule

Remember to adjust your clock for Daylight Saving! Also, join now for fun raiding times :slight_smile:

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We could use more healers that like to run m+ in the evenings! Come check us out

It’s almost raid night! Join us now

Could use a skilled shadow priest! Healer off-spec would be even better

In need of a mage

Recruiting a DPS+healer hybrid for raiding and M+! Priest preferred but all considered

Would love to see a new mage and/or dps hybrid as we progress for our raids. I’ve been here 8+ years with a family and full time job. If you’re looking for folks on a lighter raid schedule where you get a lot out of your time this may be the place for you.


Mages, we’re looking for you!

Open to all roles for m+

Looking for a raid-ready priest

We’re looking for a mage and hybrid classes! Very fun guild & raid group