Chill, friendly group seeking more of the same for Dragonflight shenanigans
Recruiting mage / hunter
All the shenanigans will be had!
Recruiting DPS and Heals for SSN 4 raids!
LF ranged DPS! Warlock, mage, or hunter would work best but all considered
Recruiting hunter / mage / shaman
LF shaman buddy! Ele/resto preferred
Recruiting DPS and Heals for Season 4 raids and M+!
Apply today, raiding tomorrow!
Recruiting for Fated Raids!
M+ buddies of all roles welcomed
Come enjoy the murdering of (mostly) innocent NPCs minding their own business for loot.
Friendly, chill group recruiting for raiding and m+
Could use a hunter! Check us out if you like raiding in the evenings
LF mage / warlock / hunter
Cleared 14 Normal/Heroic bosses last night, no wipes! Good start!
Apply today, continuing heroic lock on Monday!
LF skilled mage / hunter
Recruiting all roles for m+! If now is a good time for you to run dungeons with friends, we want to hear from you
submitted an app through Enjin, eager to chat with someone when available.
Awesome! Looking forward to chatting with you soon, shaman friend
Still looking for mage / hunter / warlock