[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Still looking for DH* / mage / warlock / shaman*

  • DPS main-spec would work best

Recruiting skilled mage for raiding / m+

Hi! Wondering if you could use a Warlock/Spriest and Resto Druid for raid. We are both 5/10M and AOTC in 9.1and 6/11 N, 2/11 H so far in 9.2. We’re both adults and prefer mature, fun guilds that are friends first. We also have a friend (DH) who has raided previously pretty extensively and is just coming back to the game who would also want to join. Thanks!

Hi Kaaliera! If the druid is able to DPS in addition to healing, we could work with all 3. But we can’t guarantee a full-time healing spot, and in any case we ask all our hybrids to be competent with a DPS spec for flexibility. If that’s something that works for your group, the next step would be to fill out our short app on our website linked on the 1st page here. Hope that helps!

Looking to add warlock / mage - online now and available to chat

Recruiting mage / shaman / DH!

Recruiting for Normal/Heroic Sepulcher!

Still recruiting for core spots in Sepulcher!

Most interested in mage / DH / lock / shaman! Come check us out if you like chill raids in the evenings

Open recruitment for m+ in the evenings! All classes welcomed

LF shaman buddy for late night walks through Sepulcher! DPS main-spec would work best but we could also work with a skilled DPS+healer hybrid

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids for Sepulcher!

Looking to add mage / warlock to our core

LF shaman DPS! Healer OS a plus but not required

Recruiting warlock for Sepulcher raiding!

Recruiting for Sepulcher!

Still recruiting!

LF skilled mage

Recruiting shaman for Sepulcher shenanigans

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids for Sepulcher!