[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids!

LF mage, DK, DH, or shaman especially

10/10H recruiting for Sanctum and M+!

Still recruiting!

Looking for a skilled mage that enjoys raiding and m+ in the evenings

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids!

Looking for a skilled mage

Recruiting skilled players of all classes for Sanctum and M+!

Could use DK and monk DPS!

Recruitment still open for Sanctum!

Still recruiting!

Looking for mage / monk / DK

Still recruiting DPS and Hybrids of all types! Apply today!

Officers online now and available to help with any questions :slight_smile:

Still looking for a skilled mage PST

Still recruiting!

Looking for skilled mage to add to our core

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids!

Friendly, laid-back group seeking more of the same! Come check us out if you like raiding/dungeons in the evenings

Still recruiting!