[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Recruiting DPS and Heals for Heroic Sanctum! Core spots available for skilled players!

LF WW/MW monk

Recruiting DK / shaman* / monk* / mage / DH

*DPS/healer hybrid preferred

Open recruitment for m+ in the evenings! All roles welcomed

Looking for healers ā€˜nā€™ hybrids!

Recruiting mage, DH, DK, and more

In need of a mage or DK for Sanctum raiding

Still recruiting! LF DPS and Heals!

Core spots available for skilled DPS and heals.

Apply today!

Still recruiting!

Any mages looking for a home? Come check us out if you like raiding in the evenings

Still recruiting for Sanctum heroic!

LF DPS and Hybrids! Core spots available!

Still recruiting!

LF DK/DH/Monk/Druid/Mage and more!

Still recruiting for Sanctum Heroic! Core spots available for skilled players!

Still recruiting!

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Looking for a skilled mage for our core

Recruiting DPS DK or DH