[H]- [Tichondrius] <The Replacements> [3 Day PST] 9/9H 4/9M Recruiting Hpal and or Priest/ MAGE

Bump New raid announced roster filling up!

sign up bc i’m tired of bumping

Bump to the top

Bump to the very top i guess

Reset day still recruiting 1 tank 2 heals and dps!

Bump to the top of the place

We go to the top of the top

Bump to the top roster getting filled 10.1 on the upcoming!

Bump Healers and tank where you at!

Here we goooo

Bump for the boys

We goooo wayyy up

so basically bump

Goodnight <3 bumping

who shot the bump button

Bump bump bump b2k

Bump to the bump

Bump to the top where are the H priest and or SPRIESt

Bump for a Tank/ Hpriest/ DH and we all set!

Bump Spriest where are you , Evokersss!