[H-Thrall] AOTC Guild <Casual Encounter> Tues/Thurs 930pm-1130pm EST lf DPS

Give us those battle shouts and soothing mists

Found a healer. 24m raid! Looking to grow up to 30m!

Pew pew, smash smash

Looking for a few more! Contact an officer on discord!

We need some heroes!
Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need

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… TJ is on something…

Still looking for the following roles as we expand up to a 30m raid size!
-Looking for any 2 melee (Warrior, Windwalker, Rogue)
-Looking for any 2 ranged (Hunter, Warlock, SPriest)
-Looking for any 1 healer (Pally, Monk)

Let it go, let it go!

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Can’t hold it back anymore!

Shadowlands- “Into the unknown!!”

Blizz - ‘Turn away and slam the door!’

WTB Battle Shout. Will be sure to save BoPs for you!

Me - “And ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away”

Recruitments needs updated, sometimes 3x per day. Excessive or well managed? :thinking:

It is a little nutsy coocoo. Send halp!

By the light and shadow, one must have discipline in recruiting.

Do you have bacon?

Will you help me hide a body?
It may or may not be an ex warchief.

Still looking for people to over throw Nezz.

Get some cake