[H] <The Usual Suspects> Fri/Sat 7-10PST

1: Guild Name: Atiesh-Horde
2: Guild Leader: Sacred (Sacredfeet)
3: Guild Officers: Oatal - Discord IT; Naarikah - Recruitment Officer ; Boridan - Finance
4: Guild Focus: TBC Progression Raiding
5: Event Times: Fridays and Saturdays 7:00pm-10:00pm ST.
6: Discord/Website: discord.gg/gfQv2mZS3t
7: Progression: P2: 10/10 SSC/TK P3: 4/5 Hyjal 4/9 BT.
8: Recruitment Needs: PRIORITY - ELEMENTAL SHAMAN. Low priority - Shadow Priest and Arms Warrior. Consideration will always be given to exceptional players. Please note though that we have no room for hunters, tanks, or healers at this time.
We also welcome players who don’t raid and are happy to have more members to run with for quests/dungeons. We want to clear content, while still having fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
9: Loot Rules: Modified DKP
10: Notes: Running content in a relaxed environment. Please reach out to Naarikah (resto druid)/Narikaah (resto shaman) on the discord or in game for recruitment questions and invites. We are made up mostly of raiders who raid in more hardcore guilds during the week on our Mains and have come together to be able to raid in a more relaxed environment with alts, friends, and people we enjoy playing with on the weekends. The large majority of us have already cleared all P3 content on our main toons months ago. If you’re looking to clear content without the sweat, while having fun and being able to throw out a joke or two, this guild is for you! Alts and Mains are welcome.