[H] <The Syndicate > 5/10M CN, 10/10H CN (PVP/PVE/WPVP) - Recruiting for Shadowlands!

[H] The Syndicate is a social guild with multiple raid teams, many m+, PVP, and WPVP groups. A guild of friends and family who enjoy progressing through current content, revisiting past content, having a laugh, and cultivating a community atmosphere.

We are currently recruiting both casual and raid members who:

  • Are looking for a guild where social interactions play a big part (i.e. willing to get on Discord and join the conversation).
  • Would like guild events and activities outside of raiding. Whether it’s World PvP, Bounty Hunting, Transmog competitions, or social games outside of WoW.
  • Are looking for a home to raid with where you aren’t pressured to make every raid possible, we know life can get in the way of things and we always encourage life before Raiding


Our raid teams are back and are ready to party!! We currently have our main raid team that is full steam ahead! Currently 5/10M CN,

Our raid team provided a very chill and relaxed environment.

If you happen to be new to raiding there are plenty of willing and knowledgeable players to help you get confident and ready.

From our raiders we ask for:

  • Understand that we will require you to have your toon ready for raid and be able to perform at least in the upper 80th percentile.
  • A willingness to learn and take direction.
  • Never be afraid to ask questions.
  • Be open to criticism and willing to make changes as needed.

Classes/Specs we need most

  • Ranged DPS (Pref. Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Balance Druid)
  • Healer: (Resto Shaman with Strong Ele OS, R Druid with Strong Boomy OS, H Pal)

Times (subject to change)

  • Raid Invites go out at 7:10 PM CST
  • Raid end at or around 10:30 PM CST

Tuesday and Wednesday are currently our main raid days. This could change depending upon overall availability and scheduling.

Sunday and/or Monday can be days we put some extra time into raid runs if enough people want to go but Tues/Wed raids are our focus.

When we aren’t raiding you can find us running mythic+ groups, battlegrounds, and fun activities. We have several groups that run higher keys (15+ consistently) We are constantly helping make sure people get their keys in for weekly chests.

Contact Us:

If you are interested in joining contact one of us in-game or on discord.

GM - Legit (Discord: Legit#8803)
Co-GM - Lexiah, Kelz
Raid Lead - Highawaiian (Babytreesus)
Co-Raid Lead - Kaisercrow, Garbagepally/Shaman/WhateverClassHeIsPlaying


Bump* to the moon and back

I’m interested, I have alot of raiding experience but I just got back from quite a long break since BoDA. (just posting here first so you can see my profile)
Started gearing myself up last week.
I’ll contact one of you, thanks

Back to the top! Let’s gooooo!

Bump! Still looking for ranged DPS.

Bump…Still looking for ranged dps.

Multiglad sham/dh currently maining ele coming back off a long break. Looking to shift from pvp to raiding. I am undergeared because of said break and lack raid experience in the last few expacs, but I am willing to learn to gain that experience if you are still recruiting.

Xuggsz, send me in game mail or message me. Would love to discuss further.

Legit (Demon Hunter)
Zhy (Hunter)

or message any of the other officers listed in the original post.

Raid Lead - Highawaiian (Babytreesus)
Officer - Kelz, Pixie, Lexist, Budden, Dragery

ze bumpzilla

Ready to party? Let’s gooooo!

Wpvp, keys, mythic raiding, arena. We got it all and we do it better than most.

9/12 now. Marching on!

Bump! peep is the best.

11/12, ONLY MYTHIC NZOTH TO GO! Don’t Raid? we got Mythic + covered dont miss your weekly chest ever again!!! Better yet, PUSH A KEY! PVE not your style? we got a solid RBG team starting for late BFA into Shadowlands. Like to WPVP?! look no further we dominate ED when it comes to small - medium WPVP we avoid lag scale wpvp if possible.


I’m in need of a sold guild and home after a server discombobulation. Damn gnomes.

Hit us up! Let’s gooooooooo!

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If you want to have the optimal Shadowlands EXP look no further. We do and excel at it all. From dominating the battlefield in RBGs and WPVP to destroying bosses in Mythic + and Mythic Raid to just chillin on discord while playing Amoung us. If you are looking for a Guild that will become a fam look no further!

I got kicked from my guild for putting pineapple on my pizza can I join?

Updated Post for current Raid Tier!

Let’s goooooooooo!


As always the syndicate is ED Horde’s premiere spot to find extraordinary rated pvp, wpvp, mythic raiding, and Mythic plus pushing all in one spot!