[H] <The End> | Kurinnaxx | 5pm - 8pm PST Sun/Mon/Tues

The End - Kurinnaxx (PvP) - Horde
Our guild is an old guild from Dentarg Alliance, an old late night guild who are returning for WoW Classic. We’re a group of about 10-15 so far looking for old and new faces who want to grow with our community.

Recruitment needs:

At this time, any and all classes are needed at this time.

Raid times: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (5pm - 8pm PST)

Loot: DKP

If interested please reach me on BNET at Geshp#1884


A lot of old vets coming back together, some after over a decade apart. Looking for fresh blood in this new endeavor.

Morning kick to the top! We’re still looking for more folks wanting to (re)experience classic with us!


Come check us out.


So far we are 1/1 for Sammie’s Bird. We will be progressing much faster once the servers open up. This was and is still my all time favorite guild I was ever in. I’m so glad so many of us are back. Can’t wait for me and the boys to slaughter some alliance both in the pvp and pve race. See ya in game!


We are still looking to fill some slots. Hit up Geshp#1884 in game or my realid is Dizzydwarf#117574

Still looking for more to join the fun!


Bump bump away!

Come sit in que with us!

The adventure is just beginning! Looking for more Shaman, a couple of solid rogues, and maybe a couple of priests but open to any good player.

Still looking for more Horde on Kurinnaxx to fill our roster and prepare for raiding!

Message me at Geshp#1884

Looking for all classes. Add me on battlenet Dizzydwarf#117574