[H] SPriest looking for guild

Current Spriest (working on my healing off spec, but not too comfortable with it yet) looking for a casual/semi-casual raiding guild and a friendly community to run mythics, pvp, and just hang out together. As a graduate student, I don’t have the time to pursue high end CE content, but getting AOTC each tier is important to me if possible. I know its late in the tier and many guilds probably aren’t looking for new people, but I just figured I would try. If you don’t need a priest, I have several alts (mostly alliance) that might fit your raid team better (they are slightly lower ilvl at the moment as I was focused on my priest but that can be worked around). Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Edit: Thank everyone for their responses. I have found a guild and am no longer searching for one. Thanks again!

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Hey there depraved,

We are currently looking for dps for our raid team for the rest of this season and season 4 and id love to chat. Below is our spam and i hope to hear from you soon!

[Inverse Logic] 1/11M 11/11H is a tight-knit, semi-hardcore mythic raid guild that focuses on finding a balance between good progression and flexible adult schedules.

Currently Recruiting

Now that we know a date for season 4, recruiting for next season is open

  • Mage and boomkin high priority
  • High need for a dps that can flex heal
  • M+ tanks and healers

We offer an inclusive, non-toxic environment with an active Discord, alt runs, and Monday night M+ for those who would otherwise miss out on a 15 in the vault. We are committed to maintaining an equally laid back and competitive atmosphere, where you can enjoy an after-work beer with friends and still clear some content! We are semi-hardcore, meaning we will expect you to play to the best of your ability and be continually working to master your class. We also understand that real life comes first. We are a team of parents, working professionals, and students who understand that sometimes you’re just going to miss the raid. We will work with you if something comes up or your schedule changes–as long as you communicate!

At this time, our goal is to achieve AOTC and push mythic as far as we can

Raid times are Tues & Thurs 8p - 11p Eastern.

Any spec/class is welcome to inquire, high need for hybrids

Social applicants do not need to be any specific class or spec! If you appreciate the environment we’ve established and think you would enjoy your time in our guild, you’re more than welcome to get in touch.

What we offer:

  • Flasks, food, and repairs for raid night.
  • Constructive feedback inside and outside of raid.
  • Laid back, adult environment.
  • An active Discord community.
  • A family of players who love playing with each other!

What we’re looking for:

  • Players with current or previous AOTC experience.
  • Performance-minded players who will work on their play outside of raid.
  • Team players who enjoy working with others.
  • Players who would enjoy a semi-hardcore approach to progression.

Btag - Doctersauce#1397
Discord - Doctersauce#4910

Hey Depraved!

Night Renegades is currently recruiting and would love for you to stop by and meet the fam! We are a tight knit gaming community that expands over a few different games.

NR is an Ally Mid-Core AOTC guild on Doomhammer/Baelgun that has been around since the start, we are currently open to any roles/classes and are looking for people that are a great fit for our community and raid team. We also have M+ groups that run before raids and on weekends.

If you are interested in a chat or a few group runs please feel free to contact anyone listed below!
Bip-Doomhammer Dudz#1750 (Bnet) Dudz#7637 (Discord)
Bacstabath-Baelgun Eli#1219 (Bnet)

Current Progression:
11/11N (server 1st) 11/11H AotC SoFO (realm 4th)
10/10H SoD AOTC
9/10H CN
12/12 Nya AOTC

Raid Times:
2000-2300 EST

Guild Application:


Hey DĂ©praved! We are filling out our last roster spots. Please reach out if interested.

If you are still looking for a guild. Please message me on discord SnackPack#6517

Hello Depraved! If the time frame works for you, you might be a good fit for our 1 night a week casual heroic group. I’ll drop my guild spam below and if you’re interested, i’d love to chat more!

Hi Depraved!

I think you would be a great fit for our guild and community, Found a Green Quest!

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Sundays and are interested in buildng up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Vath know if you’re interested
Discord @ Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord @nightraven2015
Battle.net DrDruid#1335

Hey man, <3 spriests :wink:

Would love to talk: Bnet: Arthedain#1846, Discord: Arth#0814

Check us out:

Hey there! Our guild is currently recruiting for raid in this patch and beyond. Here is our info below as well as our contact info if you want to chat further

Enshadowed - US THRALL

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm(pull time) - 11:00pm (EST)

Contact Info: Bnet - Bnet:Halloween#2483, DISCORD: Brew#4300
Bnet:Ree#1799, DISCORD: Kayliee#7155


Enshadowed-US-Thrall is a semi-casual raiding guild, formed in 2008 on US-Wildhammer. We are made up of players with a variety of experience in WoW, from vanilla to new players and most of us have been playing together for a long time over a decade.

We moved to Stormreaver in Mists(which is now sadly severely low-pop) and have transferred to US-Thrall on 3/27/2021 for better recruitment with the goal of attaining AOTC and Mythic Raiding. While getting “Cutting Edge” is not our main goal, we would like to attain the numbers in our roster again to do mythic bosses and work toward it at some point.


‱ Reliable DPS (who do not raid log and want to be active outside of raid) - warrior , spriest, mage, DK and WW monk would be a bonus but not required

DPS with healing offspecs

OVER ALL - Invested raiders and team members. We raid only 2 days a week and expect raiders not to be “raid loggers” who simply assume the raid will gear them and only sign on those days. Play the game. Be punctual, know your class and be courteous about showing up for raid and most of all be “chill” we want to down bosses but have fun doing so.


DPS, Tanks & healers who want to push keys. This is a bonus. We would like to get back to having more than enough people who want to do mythic plus have the opportunity to do so with very little pugging. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE plus.

OVER ALL: Our goal is to push toward attaining KSM for guildies and again not having to pug spots in all possible.


There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, gather mats to your hearts content, tell us bad jokes in discord (we use discord A LOT in this guild
) you can have a home here.

Be an “altoholic” (we have tons of those)~ All we ask as that you be inclusive, nice, and mature. Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community. We just ask that you be active in discord. You will find that the guild tends to be chatty there and THAT is where you will find most of us doing content.

Want to know more! Just ask us!

Our Sunday/Monday team could definitely use a spriest!!

Abomination - Area 52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild back in December 2021. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

We have decided to partake in cross faction raiding. We have both a horde and an alliance guild set up on Area 52. All factions are welcome!

Diablo Immortal
Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7pm EST - 10pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/11N & 11/11H & 1/11M in SotFO. In SoD our progress was 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate. Our needs are either ele shaman or spriest with healing offspec.

Forgot to Flask
This is our second and new raid team we are starting up! We are still building the roster for it and have space for all roles currently. Our raid days will be Sunday and Monday 7:30pm EST -10:30pm EST. The current progression is 8/11H. Our needs are mostly dps with an emphasis on ranged and perhaps another healer.

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: discord.gg/abomination

We are alliance on Proudmoore, raiding Wed/Thur 9-11pm PST. We are all adults, with kids, work and lives so we don’t chase CE but AOTC every tier is what we aim to achieve. We are a newer guild, so we are still working it this tier, we are 9/11, with a 4% pull last night of Lords. So close. I will leave our recruitment blurb for you below and we hope to hear from you.

Are you tired of running up the halls at 3am alone?

Do you need a new box to sit in?

Feral Tendencies could be purrfect for you

We are a late night raiding guild on Proudmoore, that aims to achieve AoTC.

We storm the castles 9-11pm PST on Wed /Thur. We also have a lot of interest in keys, with some social people who just like to hang out.

What we do

Sshhh, it’s a secret.

  • Raid with our friends.
  • Keys - lots of keys, these guys might be obsessed.
  • Shenanigans! Sarcasm and jokes are our love language.
  • Help with logs, builds, gearing, learning raids and dungeons.
  • Share pics of our furry overlords.
  • Lots of cat videos.

What we want

We are welcoming to all.

  • New players wanting to learn.
  • Returning players wanting to catch up for Dragons
  • Tag along family members who just want to hang and be social.
  • Like minded people who enjoy the game and want to have fun doing it.

We are adults with lives, and jobs and kids so we respect your time as well and that things may come up.

What we need

Catnip, lots of catnip.

We are looking for some dps and a healer to round out our raid team.
Hunter, Lock are our specific roles to fill, but all dps even the melee are welcome.

How to reach us

Get a laser pointer and shoot.

You can find me on Discord: Vellsong#2067 or Battlenet: Prettykitty#1597 (yes that is what I get for letting the husband set up my account:)

Hello there Depraved!
I’m Cadenza of Agile Peacocks and we are looking for like minded individuals to join our ranks! Your interests seem to align with ours so I think you would make a great fit! You didn’t seem to leave any contact information so I will be leaving you with our guild website. The about us section is rather extensive and should answer any and all questions that you may happen to have. If it does not feel free to reach out to me, my contact information can be found on our WoWprog!

I hope you can find your home with us.

Hi Depraved, we are Tom Sellecks Mustache on Thrall (Est), a semi casual adult raiding guild. Our goal every tier is to get our AoTC, but not at the expense of our members. Take a look at our guild information and if you are interested hit me up.
Good luck in your search.

Tom Sellecks Mustache a Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more to join us for the end of Shadowlands

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.

TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

Currently Seeking:

Fulltime position available!
DPS/Tank Off-spec to fill in and run Mythic +


Heals/DPS off spec to fill in as needed

Would love to have a Warrior (we have none)

Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9pm EST

TSM is a Normal/Heroic raiding guild, Mythic raiding isn’t our goal.

What we are looking for from You:
We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either.

If you are looking for a positive raiding experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

Contact: Battlenet - Zuul#1119 for more information.


I would love to chat if you are still looking.

Organized Chaoz recent name change
We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-11
When we are not raiding we are running mythic plus and other content.

We work to help everyone get KSM and AOTC.

We are mainly a evening/ late night guild.

If you would like to talk I would love to find out more about you!

My discord is shiloh#0935 bnet shiloh#1377

Talk soon!

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] 3/11 M LF Raiders

Progression: 11/11 N, 11/11 H, 3/11 M

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8 pm-11:30 am EST with a 30min flex period after 11:30 pm for continuing boss attempts or BoE farming. We also have a JV Raid Team that runs on Wednesday and Monday nights at the same times for alts and people who don’t make the progression team.

Hello, I am the Guild Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and now we are looking to take the title of the best progression-wise as well and get some realm firsts. Our guild has some seriously talented PvPers and Mythic+ runners. We have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys from the mid teens to the low 20s.

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in completing mythic content and who like to spend time with their guildies. Our goal is to be the top guild on our server for progression AND community. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.

Please message me on discord if you are interested: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518