[H] <Something Wicked> A Casual Social Guild

Really good group! Come, come, come!

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Thanks Suges. :smiley:

Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


To the TOP!

Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

Shark Week is easily the safest time to go to the beach because all the sharks are busy on television.


Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

It’s difficult to say what my wife does for a living; she sells seashells by the seashore.

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Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

If you think about it, a dictionary is just a poem about everything.

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Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

Did you know that Type O blood was originally intended to be called Type Zero due to the complete lack of glycoproteins in the red blood cells? However, it was misread and is now known as Type O. I guess you could call it the mother of all typos.

I heard a really good joke about butter, but I am not spreading it…

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I don’t get it.

That’s what she said.

Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

The shovel was a groundbreaking invention.

Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

The British royal family isn’t allowed to play Monopoly.

Am I doing this right Bones?