[H][Skeram][T/W 9-12EST] <Malum Factum> Two night, established mid-core guild LF dps + heals!

Anyone have a good grilled cheese sandwich recipe?

WTS grilled cheese sandwich recipe PST

Bump for Santa

Looking for exceptional warlock/rogue/hunter

Need some more hunters to vacuum up the leaves.

still looking for folks

Come bathe in the warlock loot!

Join us and get a free ring of binding!

People Linked By Destiny Will Always Find Each Other. Join MF now

No bards singing in discord though.

So many bards singing in discord

Still recruiting bards apparently.

Tossing coins to locks/hunters/druids/ and maybe a rogue

sign up now we offer free baked goods.

Do you guys accept reroll characters? looking to raid tuesday, wednesday due to work schedule. And finding it rather difficult to find a guild that raids these times on alliance.

wat class are u interested in? it would also require a lot of dedication from ur end to make sure u catch up to our speed and be raid ready for BWL add me on discord or Bnet and we can talk Malificari#1591/Malificari#2945

where dem lock/druids at

bump for the one time

wanna buy some dps, pst!

Still in search of some good players