Hey there Alaundis,
It’s a shame you’re not interested in military-themed stuff - the Vol’kar is looking for folks that love doing endgame content as much as they love roleplay. A tank is something that we are sorely missing - and searching high and low for in Shadowlands.
First, I will direct your attention to the pinned threads at the top of the board. I will provide a link if it’s still difficult to find- it’s been almost two years and I personally hate the new forums. At the very top if the WrA info + directory megapost. In the table of contents, you can flip straight to the Horde Guilds section. (WrA Information & Directories (Guilds | Communities | Events))
Truthfully, a band of adventurers isn’t something I see. Maybe it’s because the good ones actually go on adventures If you’re more interested in finding / exploring Alaundis’ heritage and tie that into spreading the word of the light, I suggest looking at the Sunreavers. Axiann’s a good pal of mine- and he is an excellent roleplayer. I’ve never interacted in whole with the Sunreavers because they’re the best at what they do. Several wings of Sin’dorei roleplay each with its own robust sections of lore. Their guides and Axiann’s tidiness makes me envious.
A few others I can name rapidly, but unfortunately can only do just that (naming them):
- The Torn
- Pyreanor
- Firebrand Enterprises (Tamani’s pretty cool).
If you want more fluid conversation or information, feel free to hit me up in-game. A good thing to remember: most guilds on WrA don’t meander onto the forums. There may be a hidden gem yet for you!