[H] | <Selfless Satyr> 10/10 MC, 8/8 BWL, 4/9 AQ40 | Thurs/ Fri 7:00PM-10:00PM Server

[H] | 10/10 MC, 1/1 ONY, 8/8 BWL, 4/9 AQ40 | Thursday / Friday 7:00pm - 10:00 PM PST/Server time | RC Loot Council

:pushpin: Contact the GM or an Officer via :pushpin:

ingame :speech_balloon: | mail :envelope: | Discord :speaking_head:

GM - Cellendor

Officers - Akindale | Nique | Waltz | Thiccachu | Pikachewbaca | Prevalence | Vb

:bangbang: In need of the following for Main Raid and Progression Content :bangbang:

  • Resto Shaman

  • Fury Warrior

  • Mage

  • Warlock

We utilize RC Loot Council to distribute gear as evenly as possible.

Attendance, Prep, and Performance factor into loot awarded.

Casual / New players(to WoW or Classic) are also welcome to join us!

Running dungeons, questing, farming, sitting in town, and especially, killing Alliance...

you name it i'm sure one of us does it!

If you’re interested feel free to drop into our discord or message a GM/Officer directly.
ht tps:// disc ord.gg /znMhm5 5

Come join us - the guild is a lot of fun :grinning:

We’re still looking for new recruits!

LF Resto Shaman

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Looking for more to fill out our main raid - come on over and join the fun :slight_smile: