RP Campaign update:
Corin’s Last Stand
With Scarlet banners flying on the horizon once again, we brace for impact against the waves of bodies that seek to destroy us. Aided by our allies in The Phoenix Legion we stood in the relative safety of the palisades…watching and waiting…
The sky was darkened above as gryphon riders throwing Light bombs upon us, setting holy fire to the buildings and sending paratroopers down armed with holy firearms. Many of these combatants were slain before they could even hit the ground, littering the Crossing with bodies that fell like drops of rain. One of the beasts, enraged at the loss of its master descended upon us and was quickly disabled by the sheer brute force of the combined attack, before ultimately the beast was totally eviscerated by an unnamed Deathstalker ((Banshih)).
The Mage Commander of the Scarlets had enough, ordering Rogues to throw smoke bombs over the walls, blinding any who could see. Knifes cut through the smoke, attempting to filet the Nexus and the Legionnaires, but their efforts were for not as the Scarlets once again underestimated the Forsaken and their abilities to see through the darkness.
With her forces destroyed, the Archmage engaged us by sending Arcane Constructs made from the armor of fallen troops and Mass Polymorph spells. Efforts thwarted, she herself made an appearance before us enveloped in a shield of Light and summoning a Holy Water Elemental to do her bidding. The power of her spells was too great a task to maintain and thus, her minion and herself were both defeated. The Archmage was melted into goo by the Chancellor of Interior Theoslav Tpish. The Forsaken and the Blood Elves had won, and reminded the Scarlets and all who would oppose them of their might! The Scarlets sounded the retreat and fled to their hiding places…
Glory to the Forsaken, to Lordaeron! We have shown these heretics our true power and once again defied their attacks! You have earned this rest, but do not lose your edge. Hunting season will be upon us soon as we have gleaned valuable information as to their whereabouts…Check in with Nexus Command for further updates.
Scarlet Barding: An old tradition of the Nexus Regiment is to gather the tabards of the fallen and stitch the bloodied and torn cloth into barding for our war steeds. Tailors of the Nexus have begun to stitch these tabards together in order create new barding for our horses. These tabards are a mixture of red, brown, and cream colors.
Extra bodies: Bodies of the Scarlets and their beasts litter the ground. Claim some if you desire. Human and Gryphon anatomy is quite useful for various alchemical, spell, and bonecrafting work.