[H-RP] <The Strawmen>

Yes, I look forward to when the Hayfather returns. He is right, we happy few are on every night and I for one would break from the war to aid and guide a new brethren.

Just send a tell to whoever is on?

That’d probably be the quickest way. Just drop a line and either myself or one of our members will be happy to discuss further!

These next few months will be critical for the timing of certain perspectives acted out ICly. Be the foundation, or the follower.

With over 300 posts, should we dump this thread for a fresh one?

Maybe so. I’m kind of ignorant of the bump limits, but have we reached it?

It’s Reddit style, these can go on for a lot longer now.


It sure can, but wouldn’t it be better to have a thread with less clutter?

Traitors to be put down like the dogs they are.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

go get em straw people

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shows up to throw pocket crystals into the room :gem::gem::gem::gem::gem: :sparkles:

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You speak harshly, yet with a pleasing rhythm. Would a loyalist such as you might be interested in providing a counter argument at one of our presentations?

I’m sure there’s an armory or cobbler’s shop nearby that’d be more than happy to let you lick their ample supply of boots.

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good luck!

Her boots might be delicious to lick because it would have all the blood of innocents on it.

I’m too busy winning this war to debate the intricacies of why the one who freed us from control of the Lich King and who we placed in a position of leadership is worthy to lead us.

You are not so important as to be the reason we have had successes in this war. Sylvanas WAS worthy of her position, but not so much now.

More and more souls, especially among our fellow Forsaken, have come to this conclusion. If success is truly what you fight for, then wouldn’t the greatest victory be winning the hearts and minds of the people in Her name?

The orc had tracked his quarry all the way from the bones of Darrowshire. It was a week before the love festival. The clients were political types; forsaken who had broken ties from the queen even before all that ugly family business in Arathi. The mark was just to be observed, but man… what a show he put on!

He finally found Butterfield in the snow-covered ruin of Caer Darrow. Somehow, despite the lessons of history, the Argent Crusade hasn’t razed the Barov Estate to ashes. Filthy and spattered in blood; he stood inside the empty wreck of an old home talking to himself.

When approached, he was cautious at first, then becoming eerily talkative and energetic. This is the kind of nonsense villains do in books. He spilled his whole grand plan for the asking.

Apparently the necromancers had taken up again in the catacombs beneath the keep. Butterfield was planning to use their alchemy to spread a wider impact. He wasn’t clear on who his targets were, but his mental state didn’t speak to being discriminating.

Barnabas and the Strawmen will need an update. Things will be messy if Errol is allowed to act.


Nos opens a small case with the ink, parchment, purple wax, and scarecrow seal. He dips the quill in the ink and pauses for a moment, recollects his meeting with the hired tracker, and then writes.

" Strawmen, I followed the directions our Orc friend gave me at he relayed his findings. He claims to have found our brother at Caer Darrow, he said it was not hard to track him and that our brother was out in the open and almost expecting. He said Errol was able to deduce rather quickly why the Orc came to him. He was described as wearing blood soaked clothes and holding two blood stained axes. Apparently he was talking with something else present but not seen by the Orc or his wolf. As disturbing as it was for me to know that Errol was found there, his comments are more troubling.
The Orc told me that Errol spoken about us in an angry tone, hinting at violent intent. One phrase he uttered in reference to that cursed place is ominous, “those who dwelt here have returned.” Our tracker said Errol was giddy and regularly talking to a spirit. I think he has moved past what we did and on to something much darker, more deadly. Our tracker said he will provide regular notices on Errol’s whereabouts. How should we proceed?"



**waits for a reply. He is undead and doesn’t need anything to keep going for periods at a time. So, he sits at the inn day and night next to the post box…waiting.