[H-RP] <The Blackhand Battalion> The Horde Rises! ⚔

Wait what’s going on in vashjir? Or do you mean nazj

That was two weeks ago.

Come and join the true warriors of the horde! Lok’tar ogar!! For the the Horde!

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I took a portrait of these guys at the Horde Guild Expo!



I always see these people in the SW portal room :thinking:

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Incredible battles in Vashj’ir tonight! And a few in our ranks were blooded in battle. Looking forward to more stories and battles under the Warlord’s banner!

We’re just trying to send you to the only portal Alliance dogs need: the afterlife.

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I am looking forward to our new events coming up this week! Death to all who oppose the Horde!

Huge shout out to Corta of [Ashblood Clan] for hosting an all-out brawl between her and myself in the Orgrimmar city streets. It was definitely awesome seeing the large Horde turn out (I didn’t expect to see so many!) and our side of Moon Guard coming alive again!

The roleplay was fantastic. My favorite part was reading the observer commentaries about the Horde’s complex view of honor. Truthfully, when I started this character/guild, I expected there to be even MORE backlash in-character than we’ve received already. Still, I’m glad that Orgaz, despite his rough exterior, does inspire hints of sympathy from some in Orgrimmar. The civil unrest feels much more organic and interesting when co-opted by Moon Guard’s many talented writers!

We also picked some new people up!

And in other news, August 24th we’ll be participating in a one-off D20-PvP event surrounding the controversies of Mandell, an Argent turned Alliance-sympathizer after firing on a Horde ship from a veil of neutrality. It seems the Alliance and Argents intend to mete out justice from the safety of Menethil Harbor.

Hmph. We’ll see about that.


I hear that many gnomes died because of you all, I hope there are left overs.