This guild no longer exists
Good luck with starting your guild and may you find what you seek.
I just seen someone asking for a High Elf guild
This sounds awesome! I wish you luck and I hope the guild goes well! As a massive Thalassian fan I approve!
Out of interest, is the guild High Elf exclusive, or does it also accept more traditional Blood Elves or even Void Elves?
I probably won’t be able to join due to my crazy Aussie timezone but I wish you the very best of luck!
He’s the void elf but in disguise, unfortunately. So he wouldn’t be much of a fit xD Big story there but basically Fal’therin’s wife is still a Blood Elf and after a very long and complicated story arc across BFA, they reconciled their differences and live together in a neutral location. Now that they’re together again, I use Blood Elf Fal’therin ICly as an illusion that he uses to sneak around Horde lands without causing a scene. He stays the hell away from Demon Hunters though… xD
It also allows me to occasionally attend Lordaeron Unbound events WITH his wife Vailindra, who helps the Unbound from time to time. Though most of the deaders don’t know he’s not a Blood Elf. They have no mages
It’s complicated. He considers himself neutral now, more than anything. LEGALLY he’s Alliance. Void Elves are very much banned from Quel’thalas. But he has no particular hatred for the Alliance OR the Horde, if that makes sense? He was a die-hard Horde loyalist back before Void Elves came out, but having been forced to live among the Alliance… he can’t dehumanise them any more than the Horde, now. He’s fundamentally neutral in his beliefs. Stepped down from the void elf army recently for that reason. (Hence his new armour! Ditched the purple!)
Probably not on this toon because he’s already sorta in a guild but I’ll think on it if I make an alt! I’ve been considering making a mage on Hordeside - I’ll let you know if I do, especially with Shadowlands customisations incoming.
For now though I’ll just wish you and your guild well!
I love the concept of this guild and will be contacting you regarding an interview, soon!
May contact you on my Sin’dorei later!
So I am looking for a guild, but I am of the mindset that the thing that separates the Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are their political preferences instead of the eye color. With the allowance of the golden eye customization (and now other customization colors coming to the elves), I see that the eye color really reflects the affiliation of magic each elf primarily associates themselves with (gold=light, blue/purple=arcane or void, green=fel). I have a blue-eyed Sin’dorei. Though her affiliation is to Quel’thalas she is very much into her practice of the arcane arts and it shows in her features!
I was wondering if our concepts would mesh?
Without getting too much into it, I haven’t had much success finding Horde high elves interested in joining the guild. I think it just goes to show the failure in giving blood elves high elf options is. At this point I’m not sure the guild is going to happen, but feel free to reach out in game.
I would love to talk further about it. I think giving them blue eyed options is a great idea, its just to strictly classify the eye customization to only Quel’dorei affiliation restricts the idea for the possibilities of elven roleplay. What if you considered opening it up to an overall Thalassian guild, allowing Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei?
Also, consider its the end of the expansion! Its about as dead as its gonna be before players come back. I have added your character to my friends list when you log on.
Bumping to say I made some changes, and I’m super happy with the direction this guild is going in! Blood elves are welcome to join us!