I’m very interested. Joining the discord. Hope to chat with you soon!
Things have been great lately! A lot of interest generated in Ogre Roleplay. We invited any and all intrigued by the prospect of Ogre Roleplay to come say hello to us in our Discord or Community!
We’ve gotten so many Ogres, we’re reaching an Ogreload!
Friday next week, the 28th at 6:00 server time, we are having a roleplay event to claim a new Homeland for the Ogres! Any who wish to join us are free to do so!
More Ogres in Orgrimmar! More!
Ogres and Orcs! The O.G.'s! For the Horde!
Whether we get playable Ogres one day or not, Ogre RP will remain a persistent part of the RP community and always hold a fond place in our hearts. While they should have been introduced long before Shadowlands and what may come after, we can only hope Blizzard will acknowledge there is a much needed want for Ogres. Our heritage is Goria. Our heritage armor? Gladiator stuff, something imperial/roman-like or that has a toga on it, our racial mount can be a boar pulling a Ogre-designed chariot that looks brutal with spiked wheels, our language is Gorian, which looks Orc-like, and our customization is our horns, facial hair, teeth maybe, warpaints, one eye or two, hair, two heads or one, and we get every class except maybe paladins, unless there is an Ogre version of one of those.
TONIGHT! We dine! In Nova Goria!
Our first major event has gone down great! We had an incredible experience, showing a full army of Ogres rampaging across an island and claiming it for the Horde! Check out these Screenshots of our adventure!
ht tps://imgur.com/a/MGlev1o
This thread isn’t Ogre yet!
Nova Goria is the place to be, if you appreciate Ogres or even being a Mok’nathal. Sure, they got their differences and not the greatest history together, but Nova means “New” and with new comes new beginnings. Besides, we hate most of the same things, and we al like watching a good fight? Right? In time, the Colosseum will roar with the cheers of crowds again and bring excitement to all.
Nova Goria is now a Guild as well as a Community!
Good luck on your Ogre guild! We will watch your career with great interest. Palpatine pats magg’s shoulder.
Thanks Kark! I’m still totally coming to Mok’gromal events. Sons of the Giant ho!
I too would like to wish you all the best of luck! As always, our discord is open to all of Draenor kind, as well as our events. Just let us know, chief. Look forward to seeing you at Inagg’uk’s event tonight!
Here’s a bump.
Sweet glorious Nova Goria! The Bloodpit will have the honors of spilling blood on its newly claimed soil in the name of honor, glory, and the Horde! May we give these gladiators the respect they deserve, as we spectate from the stands to marvel at and witness a grand historic day! October the 16th. BE THERE! OR BE SMASHED!
The Ogres of Azeroth serve DA HORDE!
May Nova Goria grow, Orc Ogre and Mok’nathal. While they’ve had their differences, Nova means “New” so that means new beginnings. Let’s get to it brogres!
Just want to say, very glad to see an ogre community still going strong and that there are consistent dedicated rpers to ogre rp. Keep up the good work guys, a lot of you put a lot of effort into the immersion of your characters and how you go about your ogre looks/disguises as well as the npcs!! Really awesome to see, and feels like a part of Orgrimmar’s culture is coming alive!
Thank you Very much, Gotosh! It’s our great pleasure to be here and to keep the candle of Ogre Roleplay burning. I hope to meet up with other Horde guilds soon and hopefully do some roleplay!