[H] Rogue/Hunter/Priest LFG

Hey Illysandra! :slight_smile:

I think you might be a good fit for us! And we do recommend people have multiple characters. Whichever one you would prefer would be fine! I’ll add you.

About the Big Brain Boys

Server: Illidan
Progression: 9/9N, 4/9H
Personal Loot System: RCLootCouncil*
*All tradeable loot is equally distributed to those who need it. We are trying to gear the raid as a whole so we can progress together.

Raid Times:

  • Friday/Saturday 6p-10p PST
  • Sunday 6p-8p PST (Extra day for progression, officers’ decision)

We are a newly formed Horde Mythic progression guild, our main goal being Cutting Edge in BFA.

We want to establish a group of committed individuals to progress through Mythic content toward our goal. Not at breakneck speed, but at a constant rate of progression.

Our founders are active players who come from backgrounds in Mythic+ and Heroic/Mythic raiding guilds (in WoD, Legion, and BFA)–but ultimately desired more in the way of Mythic progression.

For more info about us please check out our recruitment post linked below!

Bnet: LadyPluu#1299
Discord: Pluu#1299

App: bit.ly/b3-app