[H] Returning player seeking a guild to M+/chill with

I resubbed about a month ago and have been leveling alts in preparation for the pre patch. I have been playing since TBC but have been off and on (mostly off) since Legions release. I haven’t had a solid guild to play with since WoD which is a major factor in my not enjoying the game as much leading to unsubbing.

I enjoy tanking but do not have any experience doing so beyond random heroics and leveling dungeons, I have raiding at a Mythic level as RDPS and a Heroic level with MDPS.
No experience to speak of as a healer but MW Monk looks very interesting in DF.

I am hoping to find a guild that is laid back and fun to chit chat with, uses discord in organized content and is able to have a good time and laugh at mistakes. I am too old to have somebody yelling at me in my free time because I made a mistake in a dungeon.

I am not willing to server or faction transfer so if your not Horde on Ticondrius I am not interested.

Edit: I should add, I am on GMT - 5 Eastern US. Not a HUGE make or break factor but knowledge worth knowing.

Any luck? Same situation here, returning player, can’t find a chill guild. Holy Pally.

Any luck? Same situation here, returning player, can’t find a chill guild. Holy Pally.

<Casual But Competitive> New Guild Recruiting! Raid time Sat.8pm-11pmCST - #4 by Donmcbrawn-tichondrius If any of you are interested feel free to send me a request and Id be happy to have a conversation.