[H] <REASON> 8/9M BoD 2 Day is Recruiting DPS!

Bump for new friends!

Bumping for some caster friends!

/cast bump
Gimme range dps!

d p s o f t h e r a n g e d v a r i e t y

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Bumping 1, 2. Needing all range dps to apply ASAP!

I’ll take an order of range dps please! Please apply!

up to the top, ranged dps, possibly a healer???

Bump for ranged DPS! let’s goooo

Bumping for ranged dps!

Goblin range dps needed

bummmmmp need some rangeddd

Looking for dps / swing healer!!!

back up to the top

Bumping for more friends!!

It is Wednesday my dudes.

raaaaaaanged dps pls

and back to the top

Bumping for more ranged!

Once again to the top!

6/9, thats right!