[H] PVP <Red Rising> random bg community

This forum is 99% about pve but I’ll give this a shot anyways. I made a Horde only community with the goal of helping decent Horde pvpers find other Horde to group up with for random BGs and give these Alliance a fight. This is not for rated BGs, epic BGs, or helping inexperienced players learn how to pvp. The community is only 3 weeks old and at 109 members as of this post. You can find the community and apply through the community finder. Do not join if you have not at least fully honor geared your character.

When I see Horde perform well in BGs, I attempt to recruit them. I hope this can grow into a powerful Horde community in time. We don’t win every game. There is a lot of skilled Alliance in BGs this expansion and a lot more premades than Horde in my experience. We win a lot though and put up a fight when we can’t win.