Delete Me Thx

Delete Me Thx


We have cookies!

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What server timezone are you planning on?

We will be on a CST server.

I like cookies. They’re delicious

I’m interested and will be leveling a dps warrior. What’s your estimated time to begin raiding? Like 2nd or 3rd week after release?

No, definitely not that quick.

We are going to evaluate where everyone is in regards to level and gear on October 1 and decide whether to start then. That is the earliest we would begin if everything fell into place.

Not going to force people to level 5-6 hours a day in order to get to 60 in 3 weeks.

Bump! Still looking for great folks!

Recruitment needs updated.

Also, we are looking for a Hunter and Mage Class Lead. If you are interested in joining with either of those classes and have Vanilla experience with that class then let me know!

Main Vanilla hunter looking for a guild. Interested. Hit you up on BNet.

2 Months away! Let’s go folks!

Updated raid schedule to reflect a slight change.

Looking for more recruits!

Updated recruitment needs!

Also looking for a Hunter and Mage Class Lead!

Looking for a few more last spots!

Recruitment needs updated!

Looking for more! Come join a guild that is going to be ready to go from launch!

Still looking for new members!

Post updated to reflect our vision as a guild!

Still recruiting more members!

Looking to build a great community!