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Gav wtf come back we miss you :pepehands:

So, I for the past few months haven’t had access to disc. Why? I lost my info for some reason or another. When I made my disc acc I was pretty sure I was drunk or sleeping and used a throwaway email. Well, disc support aren’t being helpful. I’ve given them everything I have except my SSN. What more do they want? Apparently a Credit Card is not “valid”.

I’m trying to get it back because I refuse to start over again. But, I have no plans to resub till classic comes. I’ve been playing the Burning Crusade expansion and it’s bueno.

Create a new account and message tuskboar#5354 on discord for an invite to the server.

Bump. Come join us before 8.2 drops :3c

I miss you Tusky. I’ve got a lot of jokes!

Why are bronze dragons so good at math?

Because every second counts!