[H] Previous Mythic Raid Leader looking for a new home!

Hey guys,

I used to run a guild on the server and raid lead for Mythic progression in WoD, but after a while, as most of us do, I got bored and took a nice long break from the game.

Now I’m returning! Although on a much more casual level, and hoping to get my girlfriend into the game as well in the near future.

Anyways, my toon name is Phlamingo, I’m a Warlock main with over 100 days on him since WotLK. I’m looking for a competitive, and yet somewhat casual raiding guild for maybe 2-3 weekdays or raiding when Shadowlands comes around.

I’m a 27 year old Marine Corps vet, now working in crash testing for Toyota, and I’ve got a 4 year old son. I like drinking Busch Light on every opportunity I can stumble on, and joking around with like-minded people in game.

I’d like to push into Mythic raiding in the upcoming expansion, however I don’t have the time for 18 hours of raiding a week anymore like I used to, so I’m searching for something closer to 4-8 hours of raiding per week.

I come to my fights prepared after doing my own research, and am great at accepting critique on my game play. So if you think you’ve got a spot for me, please message/mail me in game, and we’ll get in touch!

Best regards,

Hey there! Sounds like By Design might be a good fit for you, check our current recruitment post linked below;

We’re basically pugging heroic raids, gearing alts, and prepping for Shadowlands right now. Running keys, hanging out. If that sounds like your kind of setup, message me in-game anytime, jeconti#1189.