406 ilvl Sub/Outlaw Rogue — 2350 m+ rating and 7/8 heroic VOTI.
I am 29 and have been playing since TBC. I have a large amount of raiding experience, with some CE achievements from Legion. I avoided BFA and SL, for classic – but have re-found my love for retail since DF dropped. Since DF launched I have been guildless, just pugging m+ and vault, but I can’t take it anymore. I need saving!
I am looking for a chill group of players, to raid and push m+ keys with (goal of 3000 this season) and my main play times are 9 pm to 1 am Sunday + Monday through Thursday EST. I prefer players who take the game seriously, but also remember it is just a game. Rather learn from mistakes, than rage over them.
If you are looking for a rogue, to fill your raid roster or m+ squad - please hit me up in-game on Sheeshmann or via my battle net tag or reply here. (Sheeshman#1865)
I am also working on leveling a warrior (prot/arms)
Hey, maybe my guild is a decent fit. Pro Pirates raid wed/sun… but we start at 8pm and go to 11pm (est) so that might be an hour early for you. We are 7/8 heroic, AOTC focus and chill. Generally after we clear heroic we try to pug the first one or 2 bosses on mythic. We don’t focus on Mythic raiding though, its just something we dip our toes in when we can. A handful of us also do M+ a good bit.
If that sounds good to you whisper myself or our raid leader in game or hit us up on discord so we can do a trial raid, if not then good luck m8.
in game:
Allo! o/
is a guild on your server that is looking for a Rogue for DPS!
We are currently 7/8H and on the verg of AotC for the 5th raid tier in a row. Once we have AotC we will be pushing into mythic.
We hang out, have a good time, poke fun at eachother, all while getting bosses to 0%!
We have a wide range of M+ players as well if you’re down for some keys.
Shoot me a message on Discord of you’d like some more info. Bluu#7164
Best of luck regardless!