[H] OCE <Arugal> Rogue LF Guild as core raider


Undead Rogue here.
I am looking for an OCE guild with a need for a Rogue in their core raid group.

Aussie dude in his late 20s whos played wow since vanilla. Been casual since draenor. Although I recently played on and I raided on a classic server (as a core member) for about a year with blizzlike server settings, so i know all the boss fights. I have cleared everything up until naxx (did naxx back in the day though).

I am always self-sufficient, come to raids with consumables and will aim for pre-raid BiS before bidding on loot. I am also a skilled pvper.

Looking at hitting 60 and getting mostly pre-raid Bis, ready for raiding by the 4th/5th week of launch.

I would like to raid at least 2 nights a week, and just farm ubrs/5mans the rest of the other nights. (Will also be willing to lead premade bgs and ganking squads on offnights in Phase 2.)

Anyways, if you need an experienced player hit me up on battlenet, or post below with a discord link or application link.

Battlenet : CH1CK3NL1P5#1454


Join us at Skeram (NA PvP eastern server).