[H] <No Moral Compass> AOTC GUILD Recruiting for Shadowlands

Looking for a Monk tank

bump looking for a tank

interested, added

looking for a few more melee dps, need a DH

Need a demon hunter dps and other melee/range

Looking for dps

need a few more dps, priority to hunter and rogue.

need a hunter, rogue and warrior only.

bump need a hunter, rogue and warrior only.

no longer recruiting

We are looking for a hunter and a rogue.

bump looking for a hunter and a rogue.

Still looking for a rogue and hunter for heroic raiding

Looking for a few dps

Need a few more dps for heroic

Need a few dps for heroic raiding

bump need a few more dps for heroic.

Bump looking for dps

bump looking for a few new dps for heroic progression, currently 2/10

need dps for heroic raid 2/10