{H} <Relax> LFM for CE 7/10M Barth 2 Nights

A great guild, terrible people <3

Much love <3

Need more dps!

New to wow or no more time for mythic raiding, come chill with us & have some fun!

Come join us for a raid filled with fun and laughs

Hey I’m looking for Guild!

After 1 melee and 1 ranged dps for core team
Also looking for anyone who fits what we are looking for to fill out the rest of the team.

Is there a spot for a holy paladin? I mean i can play ret as well. Do let me know!

Still looking for a dk/ rogue dps & a boomkin!

Still need more!

I’d be very keen to join, same situation don’t really have the ability to commit to mythic raiding but really keen to clear eternal palace on heroic.
Ele Shaman.

Sounds good, add me on bnet or grab a inv from anyone in guild!

Need more for our push into 8.2!

10/10 for the banter, would recommend. Really looking forward to being ahead of the curve. Can’t wait to meet some new members and tear through the new patch.

Do you accept alliance players who want to re roll horde and become real men ?

Always do!

I’m sitting at the bar getting my Charlie sheen on having to sit threw a dinner for my French speaking fiancée dad… when I get home I’ll re roll and hit you guys up. Horde is where it’s at I reckon. Who lets their partner get hammered before announcing a family dinner Bruh …?.. anyway can’t wait to play , drink and laugh with you fellas.

1 or 2 more spots up for grabs!

Need a healer!!

Still chasing a healer!