[H] New sham (Dps and heals) looking for 9.1

Hi everyone. I am changing my wow career and have decided I want to play ele / resto sham. I am looking for a raiding home in 9.1. No, I don’t have logs as I am finishing up leveling, but hopefully player and prior experience > logs.

I can’t raid on Fri or Sat. I also would like to raid only 2 times a week. Any interest in a rerolled shammy? Would love to find an AOTC team that does mythic.

Hey Jcshammy,

I’d love to chat with you. Add me on discord, Letholas#9581! Talk soon!

Hey Jcshammy,

I think you would be a great fit for us, looking forward to hearing from you!

Oh man. I can’t do 3 nights sadly. I want to stay married

I can do alliance as well

Evening everyone

Hey JCshammy! Spiteful Misfits (Horde - Area 52) is recruiting people interested in joining a new community.

Formed by a semi-casual group of AOTC & KSM players who are looking for more people that are interested in clearing heroic raids, getting their keystone master achievement every season, or just hanging out.

Raid group is currently seeking any DPS players. We raid Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 9-11pm Est.

If interested please pm Rhawin, Syroxia, or Landø(alt 0248) in game/message Bluejay#1886, Land#1483, Akraz#1918.

Healed a dungeon. That was fun!

Hey JC, we have some new players in our guild and some that are rerolling. We do not have any plans at this time to do any Mythic raiding but that could change later on down the road depending on how people feel about it. If they want too, great it will just be the first few bosses only. My spam is below! Hope to hear from you!

Terrible Idea is a AOTC focused alliance casual raiding guild. We are looking for new and returning players a like who would like to be part of a team being built for 9.1. We raid wed/Thur , Invites going out at 8:15pm st, first pull at 8:30pm ST - 11pm ST. ( Sargeras is a CST server) We are currently 9/10 H while we build our team. We are looking for dps that doesn’t stand in the fire or hug mobs that cleave and a couple of flex healers.

We are casual in the sense that we want to see content but are not looking to world first or cutting edge every raid tier that comes out. We also like to push keys and get groups together for Arenas or battlegrounds.

We are usually active between 8pm est- 2am est. People do not usually log on til after they put their kids to bed or fulfill their RL obligations, so during the day there is not a lot of people on.

If you have any questions, you can hit me up on BN: Kungfubanana#1420 or on discord at Kungfubanana#7678, I look forward to hearing from you

Morning everyone

Morning JC :slight_smile:

Still happy to chat if you want to!

We’re a Tuesday/Thursday AOTC and mythic guild

Letholas#9581 on disc