(H) new player looking for guild for raids and mythic +

Aussie here from the gc looking for a guild for mythic + and raids.will be happy to level anything to fill a spot and or what the guild needs.any oc server.

Hey pnutbutter,

Add me on bnet kira980#6175 for a chat

Hey there, welcome to the game. Not sure what level of raiding guild you are looking for but ClanDropBears are recruiting atm.

Here is a link to our spiel [H] <ClanDropBears> LF more Feel free to add me on Bent Eri#1981 if you want to know more

hey Pnutbutter

Tested On Animals - Barthilas

we are a 3 night a week raiding guild also run mythic + regularly
running heroic prog at the moment but also moving into mythic once we can
looking to expand our team for mythic prog
feel free to add me on bnet djhayward87#1385 so we can have a chat further :smiley: if your interested

Hey mate feel free to add me, we can talk when your online next. I’m also on the GC. sckits#1485

Hey. Not sure if you’re found a home but if you’re still looking.

Local Singles in Your Area is a relaxed and casual guild that formed recently. We’re made up of mostly older raiders who used to play at a higher level but family and life no longer allows it. We want to expand our roster.

Currently focused on clearing normal (7/9) before progressing into heroic. We raid one night a week on Thursday from 8-10.30pm Server Time. The rest of the time we hang out in Disc and run Mythic Plus.

If you’re looking for a relaxed bunch of people to talk rubbish, joke, gamble with and also kill some bosses then we’d love to have you. If you want cutting-edge ego-driven elitists then you’re in the wrong place.

Contact me or our GM (Kayla) on BNet or Discord if you want to find out more.

BNet: Aljasco#6812
Discord: Aljasco#3280 or Kayla#9593

Good luck with the search