(H) New Player LF raiding guild no fri/sat

Hey i’m still fairly new to wow with 6days /played. started about 3 weeks ago and getting to the point where I wanna start raiding with a solid group. LFR kinda blows lmao. currently ilvl 236 frost mage doing some mythic+, have barely touched pvp so far but I am down to learn. Hope to hear back from somebody. cheers!

Currently on Onyxia but I am open to switching realms.

battlenet Fyosk#1113

will edit and add discord to the post currently at work and don’t remember the numbers lol

Hi Fyosk!

My horde guild over on Zul’jin valled Found a Green Quest is looking for memberd who are interested in raiding, mythic keystones and more. We raid Wednesday/Sunday 7:30pm-10pm EST.

Below is our recruitment post from the forums. If this sounds interesting to you, please feel free to reach out!

Found a Green Quest now recruiting