[H] <Nerds> 6/9M Fri/Sat Late Night

Can we get some ranged dps up in here? :rofl:

bump we have cookies

Bumparoo Buckaroo

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bumperoo, still looking for more ranged and any/all skilled players!

CONCLAVE DEAD - on comes Rasta. Come join us :slight_smile:

doing some rasta prog tonight - we could use more ranged :sweat_smile:

still looking for more ranged :slight_smile:

6/9 heh

need ranged dps pls

spoiler alert - king rasta is dead :rofl:

still eagerly looking for dps!

Looking for a healer, by any chance? Prefer to heal on pally but have a MW at the same ilvl. Thanks!

bump! feel free to app no matter what role you are :slight_smile: we’re always looking for experienced players!

Put in an app…still waiting for a response. Hope you consider, thanks :slight_smile: