[H] Mythic Guild Lost Chapter 3/8 M, Lf players

Bump, Really need another Healer!!

Bump, still looking for healers

Bump, still looking for Dps & Healers

Bump, still looking for Dps & Healers

Bump, still looking for Dps & Healers

Bump, Still looking for players.

Bump, Still looking for players.

Bump, Still looking for players.

Bump, Still looking for players.

how many people are ussaly on

Hello, I’m interested in joining for some M+ and Farm raids. I’m a fresh 60 on A52 but I previously played at SL launch. I cleared up to Sludgefist on Heroic on my Ally Rogue (Lightbringer) but work got in the way for raid times. I’m returning now for some casual progression. Playing as a resto druid and happy to help wherever needed.

it varies from a few around noon to at least 10 or so around 5 server and more further into the evening.

Bump, Still looking for players.

Bump, still looking.

Do you all have a discord and I can send you more info looking
for a guild I have a 221 Hunter and Ret Paladin also a 217 DH

Hey there, I’d be interested in getting some more info, looking to main a Druid in 9.1, interested in healing/tanking mostly. I’ll send you a BNet message!

Bump… Looking for a Holy Pali.

Bump to the top

Bump, Looking for a Healer.

Bump, Looking for a Healer or 2.