[h] <milo> recruiting for m+/raiding New/Returning Players Welcome! Come raid with us!

Overdrawn About Section Designed to Keep Attention?
What is Milo? Who are Milo? When is Milo? All of those fantastic questions will be answered with insane hundredth percentile answers that hold the rank one spot for it.

Milo is a guild, nay a project. Started by alpha chads with the questions in mind, how. How. How do I get this sick trinket I need for M+? How do I get these sick orange parses on warcraftlogs, how do I maintain the number one spot of my class on my server?

Well. We looked for a while, couldn’t find anything that suited our schedule. As alpha chads, we need a schedule that fits. So we’ve decided to be the schedule. Be the needs we want. Clear that Mythic content to supplement our M+ needs, and get those mounts before they’re 1% mounts. We are recruiting Beta Billys, and Gamma Geralds to become those things we’re looking for. We will push content to have the highest IO we can get. We will slam twenty heads against a boss while standing out of swirly boys and kicking casts. We will prevail with those goals. All with the help of you.

Two buddies have started this goal, we intend to execute this goal. We have known each other for years on end, we have screamed at each other, we have cradled the other one in their arms after not winning a roll or not getting a piece of loot. We have endured the tests of time of Warlords of Draenor, and Cataclysm and BFA for you. To bring you Milo.


We’re recruiting in large quantity to accommodate for those who are not committed should they disappear. We are recruiting those who wish to push themselves. We are recruiting those healers who want to play the easiest role, and those dps who want to have orange parses, and those tanks who want to say “let me see if I can survive another stack”. We are looking for you, and your help in these crazy times to put a bounty on those end tier bosses that have our best in slot pieces, and our best in slot mounts. So please, if you are interested in becoming an Alpha, add my battle tag:

Monk#1623 and shoot me that whisper, give me that ring. Give me that call.


Sunday 10:00pm-1:30am MST

Thursday 10:00pm-1:30am MST

We focus on a late night schedule, two days a week because we all have weird schedules. Midday/Late Shifts, priorities end at around that time and focusing on content becomes easier. We’re looking for people who can fit that schedule and thrive with that schedule. Contemplation on a third day is entirely possible based on how as a team we feel, but we also feel it’s important to have maintained IRL schedules.


Be able to listen to discord, understand your classes, understand what BiS pieces you are searching after, as well as situational pieces and talents you are using.

Be able take heat as well as dish. We all enjoy trolling each other to a degree, but making sure you can deal with it is important. We respect differences, but it’s important to have thick skin.

Don’t be a monkey. Don’t be boosted.

That’s about all I’ve got. If you’ve made it to the end, you’re looking for me to break ToS or you’re intrigued, either way, start up that discussion with me at Monk#1623 and lets chat, chad.

Hey all, we’re still looking for raiders if anyone is interested !

Hey guys! looking forward to talking with you all! Hit me up!

best guild bumb

I must bump

i must have recruits! Add me on btag at monk#1623, we’re a great time and a great group!

Come join the guild :slight_smile: