[H][Mankrik PVE] <Silver Tryhards> Recruiting for Morning Raid

2nd shifters, 3rd shifters, stay at home parents, unemployed, disabled, wealthy who don’t need to work.

Come join this rag tag band of non conformists who raid when sensible people are slaving away at the office!~

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95 minutes

s0 fr3aking hype

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I just had my schedule changed at work. The morning times are perfect for me. I am willing to run as either the Enhancement or Resto Shaman, as that is the class I am leveling. I was looking for a late night team on the server, but this may work even better.

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Post updated to reflect current Raid openings.

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We’re looking to fill out our raid roster. Please visit our Discord for further information.

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Bump Bump bumpity.



Come talk to us.

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We have punch and pie

We’re looking for friendly morning raiders.

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bizz zumpp

bedtime bump

We’re still looking for friendly raiders.

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morning bump

afternoon bump

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late night bump

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Please check out our Discord. Our raid spreadsheet and DKP document are available.

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Operators are standing by.

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Raiding is one of the few things worth waking up for

Bumpity bump

We still have a few open spots.