Still need some peeps but going strong .
TOGC just around the corner, LF a strong Hunter to round out the team!
Bumps R us
Join us for our first TOGC this week! Free coffee and donuts!
Fast times at C&K High.
7% to go on H Anub, we’re almost there! Come raid in the AM!
Finally a morning guild! Returning player here currently with lvl 80 druid (feral) and lvl 80 shaman (currently enhance but willing to go any spec needed). I would be willing to re-roll a different class for ICC progression as well should a certain role/spec be in high demand. Happy to chat more on discord or bnet.
Discord: datdas
Bnet: Das#1357
5/5 Heroic now! Gotta get that 50/50, always recruiting!
Gonna need to know exactly how you make your coffee in the application ;p
Looking for more for ICC
You guys could have some uso for a warrior Fury 5.2 and OT 5.0 / Prot Pal 5.3 and 4.7gs Holy (gearing) 10/12 exp. ready for raid. if you guys can have some use for this I’m very interested on that raid time. if you want to chat just add my Btag MaziN#1105.