H - [Mal'Ganis] <Snacks> 9/9M World 436th/US 155 is Now Recruiting a DemonHunter!

Bumping :slight_smile: :dagger:

bump up the weekend

tanks? locks? BOOMIES

bump Any boomies or locks in the chat?

bump for locks and boomies

bumping for snacks

bumping up the jams

bump healers?

healers in the chat? :slight_smile:

daily dose of bump

Bumping! We got CE this week and looking to add strong players to our roster, currently recruiting a Holy paladin and an Enhancement Shaman!

Bump Bump :slight_smile:

Enhance shamans and hpals?

Looking for Enhance shaman, Mage player who can play all 3 specs and a Holy paladin!

bump bump bump :slight_smile:

reclear tomorrow!

bump good luck in vaults :slight_smile:

bump bump bump! :smiley:

bump bump bump :smiley:

bump bump! Still on the hunt