H - [Mal'Ganis] <Snacks> 9/9M World 436th/US 155 is Now Recruiting a DemonHunter!

10 out of 10 Sanctum of Domination bosses agree. Snacks is the place to be.

252 Priest - all 3 specs played at high level (mythic raiding and m+). Shadow and Disc played at high lvl in PvP too. As my previous guild fell victim to the Great Content Drought of 9.1 and player burnout, my logs are kind of all over the place. I would regularly be asked to swap specs on different bosses based on guild needs. [Ended up having to play Necrolord Disc for our first Soulrender kill haha].

BNet: Tikle#1217

Looking forward to chatting!

Where the gamers at?

LF cobumper.

You’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from?

We need ranged DPS!

Bump bump enhancement shaman?

Enhancement shaman!

Or like, whatever, you know?

Bump bump!

Bump truck.

Bump bump! Looking for exceptional raid dps! 9.2 RAID TESTING TODAY!

raid testing fun!

LF dps, raid dps preferred.

I am a satellite, I’m out of control.

Normie bump.

Looking for Exceptional. amazing, one of a kind Snack dps.

Bump bump!

LF windfury totem.

JK looking for valued member of team, not just a totem.