[H] Mal'ganis Looking for an AOTC guild

Horde DH on Malganis looking for a guild to aim for AOTC in 8.3. Not looking to do mythic raids but can consider it. I also am going to aim for +15 keys in all dungeons. Should be able to raid any day as long as it’s during the evening /late

add me on discord for easier communication Zeus#5436

Hey there I’m Kylani - a recruitment officer for the heroic team Barely Heroic - R6 of Seraph
I sent you a friend request over discord and I will leave our info here for reference!
Tuesday & Thursday
10:30pm - 12:30am CT (server)
AOTC all tiers

Looking forward to chatting with you!

Lok’tar, friend! Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde is recruiting for 8.3. We raid progression (mythic) Fri/Sat 7-10 central and have a more casual group (aotc) on Thursdays 7-10 central.

We have a Mythic+ night weekly and many that run throughout the week, including pushing up to 15 and beyond.

Ember#1670 bnet
Ember#2528 disc

Hey Zeusbtw,

Strategic Miscalculation is recruiting and I’d like to talk to you.

A little about us, we transferred from Feathermoon and are building a new team. The focus will be AOTC with some mythic progression if the team wants it. We run keystone multiple times per week, we timed 15’s during 8.2 and the goal 8.3 will be all 15’s.

We have one of the most generous guild leads you’ll ever meet and a bunch if friendly players. We strive to be a fun friendly place with no drama.

I sent you a request on discord and hope we can talk soon.