[H - Mal'Ganis] 5/10m <Potency> is recruiting DPS for Mprog

Weekend bumps! Let’s get it

Pep is bumping this weekeend

I think everyone is too busy playing to bump this today.

To busy bumping to bump

Razas did the bumps, will you?

Heck yea I’ll do the bumps!

Bumping for days

added to have a chat

Bump for some good mages

New raid week let’s get it!

Morning after raid bump

Bump. Big push for mages, boomkins, swing shadow/disc, resto druid/shaman would be great!

To the top

Just bumping fools

hey, if your still looking for people. me and 2 others are looking for a guild to join to get some mythic prog in this patch and continue with into future tiers. I main a 222-225 ele/enh/resto shaman. (can play any other class/spec if needed in the future). the other 2, 1 is a 222+ ww monk and the other can bear tank or UH dk, both 222+ ilvl. we currently dont have any prog in this tier due to time constraints/crappy guild that we joined at the start falling apart. but we have been raiding since Wrath, with xp with mythic progging the last 2 xpacs. If your interested in chatting, you can reach me on here, or on discord - Raiden#1634 or btag - Shamannism#1766

Need a couple more big dps

Who wants to come destroy mythic with me?

Cube is right, he is destroying mythic, come do it with him!

Come destroy mythic with all of us, even pep

Destroying mythic or getting destroyed by mythic?