[H] Mage/Warlock LF a friendly guild

I’m looking for a semi-hardcore or casual guild that raids anywhere from 7:30pm - 12am PST. Any day is fine, but I would prefer weekends. Cleared everything except 2 wings of naxx in vanilla.

I’m down to play either mage or warlock on any server, but only horde.

Discord: BnH247#9580 - we have mage slots open, if you’re interested add me :slight_smile:


Yes it is a

Hello! would love to have a chat with you. Join the discord for some more info :wink:

maybe our times will work for you

H]Guild on Fairbanks LFM’s Loot system for Raids is /roll Current Rough draft voting on Raid-days-times is 6pm(PST)9pm(EST) any questions/concerns & or interested


Bnet atomicor#1235
Discord Atomicor#9192