(H) Mage LFG Hardcore player

Currently on Fairbanks-US, my guild suddenly going disbanded and left us with half our raid team. As members are moving on figured it may be time I start looking for a new home as well. Experience in clearing all raids, and am probably 90% geared in BiS in AQ, the rest is comparable gear. I’m looking for a speed running guild as a mage can provide logs.
My raid times can be whatever works with the speed run.
Just testing the waters to see what’s out there, will transfer to the right situation.
Thanks for the read.
Discord: Tryckster#6068

Still looking?

Super good mage. Hate to see SFS go man. Thanks for the good times

One of the best mages I know

If still available reach out to me on discord kurthos#8372 - We likely can facilitate spots for most of your remaining players as well.