[H] Looking for RP guilds

Hey, looking for RP guilds on Horde MG. My old guild has long left the server and now I’m looking for a new one or ones if there’s multiple guilds. What I’m looking for:

  1. A pirate themed guild
  2. An environmentalist themed guild
  3. An Orc themed guild
  4. A Troll guild
  5. Maybe an Undead themed one

Any suggestions or links would be greatly appreciated.

Stonewind mind do ya for the Environmentalist niche. I mean, we’re tauren :stuck_out_tongue:

Many of our storylines involve protecting nature, restoring balance, both in our home of Stonetalon but also elsewhere.

But we’re also a Tribe first and foremost, so not all environment-loving characters necessarily fit in right away.

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This might be a good thread for you to look through for Horde side guilds!

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Thank you guys!