[H] Looking for Raid Guild in 8.3

Hey all. I will be boosting a toon to play on horde side, not sure on the class / role yet (though I am experienced with every class/spec). I am in search of a guild preferably on Barthilas to do Heroics and possibly push into Mythic raiding.

Hey mate our guild gileads blood is on the lookout for more players to join our core raiding team. We started late in ep and got 3/8 mythic our focus on 8.3 is heroic clear early and mythic prog. Right now we are chasing mostly dps classes anything with a healing off spec is very welcome also, we are currently on break from raids but still run keys most nights of the week

Feel free to hut up our gm Cadmoon#1540, or myself Dunkaroo#11385 on bnet for a chat

Our guild is a horde guild on Barthilas and recruiting for more members to build a gaming community.

Current prog 5/8M
Main mythic grp : mon/thurs 6.30-9.00pm server
Casual heroic clear : sun 6.30pm server
Keys / alt run / pvp on off days

Bnet usagi#6215
Discord riisa#3859

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Hey mate, if you’re interested we are always looking for active players.