Hey everyone!
I am just looking for a casual guild that does Heroic raiding on Thursdays through Sundays. I literally work all day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So there is no way I can commit to those days.
On the previous raid tier, I played Retribution Paladin and the furthest I got was…
9/9 N
8/9 H
4/9 M
I would like to continue playing my retribution paladin, however, I can heal or even try to tank as needed.
I do have other classes I have 120 that I could potentially gear up to raid. Preferably my Demon Hunter if someone is not looking for a paladin. However, I have all classes besides a DK, Mage or Monk.
RetributionPaladin (420 ilvl)
Havoc Demon Hunter (407 ilvl)
Holy Priest (395ish)
Restoration Shaman (400ish)
BM Hunter (385 ilvl)
Arms Warrior (380 ilvl)
Destruction Warlock (380 ilvl)
Feral Druid (385 ilvl)
Send me a message on BNET and I will definitely reply. If you message on here it may take some time for me to reply.