[H] Looking for a social and fun guild

Hi I am looking for a social guild that likes to chat and have fun but is respectful (no misogyny/homophobia etc). I like running dungeons and I’m open for raids most weekends and thursdays/fridays. I am currently running around Suramar trying to unlock Nightborne. I used to play a lot started just before WOTLK but stopped playing after Pandaria and came back for BFA so I missed Legion.
So yeah hit me up bellaczz#1138 if your guild is recruiting! It would be great to be in a guild with more ladies. Thanks <3

9/9N & 6/9H Age 25+ (age flexible, but you must be mature, no teenagers and under tho). AotC meta achieve team. T/Th 11pm-2am EST. We do have some ladies in our guild. :slight_smile:

We are multi gaming group. Destiny 2, ANTHEM, ESO, Division 2, and more.

Btag = Armageddon#1974
Discord = Skybolt#2791

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Hello, we try to have as much fun as possible and are very sociable. We currently do not raid and haven’t in many years. I totally feel you on missing stuff as I played from vanilla to wotlk and then a little bit of cata so I’m really lost sometimes as I just came back a few weeks ago. If you are interested in achievements, pets and 5 man content give us a shot. We use discord and line to stay in touch out of game and you can find me on battlenet at mantwawn#11102

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